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My 7 values


Put yourself first. This may sound selfish but it is key to living a healthier and happier life. It is so important to look after yourself before looking after those around you. Yes, the days can be hectic and it feels like groundhog day, repeat, repeat, repeat but no matter what, put those few minutes in for yourself. Make sure your needs are also met.

Mind, body, and soul. There are many ways to look after yourself and as a Mum, I've had to look for flexible, convenient, alternative ways to recharge, de-stress and keep active. In order to de-clutter my mind, I try to fit in moments of meditation. I find that balance and mindfulness helps the day go a little smoother. I'm very prone to anxiety and what I have found helpful, is to just stop and breathe for a moment, even if it's just for 5 minutes. I find I'm the most relaxed when I'm in nature, whenever I am outside in the sunshine, I try to just be in the moment, sitting down and closing my eyes, taking in the sounds around me. If it's too cold to go outside, especially during the winter, I'll try to use the most peaceful room in the house, where I feel the most comfortable, grab my noise canceling headphones and listen to sounds that help me relax, like the ocean, rainfall or birds chirping in a rainforest and I try to commit at least 15-20 minutes of deep relaxation.

I've always been an active person and try my best to fit in my 30 minutes a day as I know how important it is not only for my body but also for my well-being. With four little rugrats, it can be hard to find the time to go for a run, hit the gym or go do a pilates session. I decided I needed something flexible and convenient like a subscription to an online fitness program. Whenever I have the opportunity, such as when the baby is sleeping I use that time for movement. I also try to be mindful with what and how I eat. Like they say, you are what you eat. I'm prone to stress eating or not sitting down to enjoy a meal. I try to eat only when I'm hungry and to eat mainly wholefoods, reduce the amount of sugar I take in, keep portions small, eat slowly and stay hydrated. Each night, it is also a strict routine for me that once the kids have gone to bed, I have my bath filled with bubbles and salt, face steamer on and peppermint tea to try unwind from my day.

Love yourself. This has always been a hard one for me. I definitely struggle with confidence issues. I'm not perfect and I absolutely see that but I really do believe that for others to enjoy my company and to see the beauty inside of me, I have to be able to see it in myself first. I try to be kinder on myself but also try to acknowledge what I do like about myself. I feel that, the more I see the positives in me, the more they are likely to show.

Follow your gut. I have many values and beliefs that I hold strong to and many times I feel I have had to explain myself. I believe in living a happy, healthy and clean life and I hope to instill these values in my children because they are the future and a better version of me. I also hope to raise awareness of the importance of living a more sustainable life. By demonstrating this and living the example, the more likely my children are able to learn, copy and pass on to their own children or even onto those around them. I've always believed in the ripple effect. We can easily make these small changes to improve our world by setting a good example.

Do you, make the time to do what you enjoy doing. I love being creative. I may still be learning how to do it and mastering different techniques, figuring out my style but I enjoy it. Don't ever limit yourself. Be your fullest potential. Be all that you are. Don't dull your sparkle!

Try not to sweat the small stuff, easier said than done I know! Stress can affect your mental health, your hormones and of course your skin. However, over time I have realised that life is much better living without the stress, especially over minor details. I also try not to take things too personally. Not everyone is going to like me and that's life! The more I let go and the less I hold on to matters that just aren't important or worth the worry, the lighter my life becomes and the happier I am.

Laugh, always remember to laugh because it truly is medicine for the mind, body and soul. I always enjoy a good giggle, especially if the day gets too heavy for me. If I feel I need to re-set, I'll do this by enjoying a silly moment with my kids or watch a funny movie. I instantly feel the release of endorphins inside of me, just like eating a bar of chocolate. I feel better immediately.

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